Programming Tips
Why don't bitmaps display properly on some systems?
How do you write DbLookups so they work on a local database and on the server?
How do you display a button next to a field only when editing?
How do you restrict a field to contain alphanumeric characters only?
How do you validate that a field has alpha characters only?
Can you have views based on the current user name?
How do you categorize and count the number of documents created in a particular week?
How do you reduce database size by deleting unused fields?
From a response document, how do you update a field in the parent document?
How do you delete a profile document?
Can you have an agent send mail as a specific person?
How do you get the directory the current database is in?
How do you automatically copy an ACL from a template into a new database?
How do you display a number field with leading zeroes?
How do you add more action buttons than fit on the display?
How do you prevent a form from prompting to save it?
How do you automatically filter mail in Notes?
How do you create a view action button that creates responses to only work on main documents?
Can you start a different navigator depending on the user role?
How can you tell if a field has been changed in LotusScript?
Can you inherit fields from parts of the same form?
How do you do a mail merge using info from existing documents?
How do you generate sequential document IDs?
Can you show FTSearch documents with a specific view?
How do you make a view to use for checking for replication conflicts?
How do you add an Internet-style signature at the bottom of your mail messages?
Can you access the Clipboard in Notes?
How do you save a document, then create a new document in its window?
How do you force the value of a field to be unique?
How do you find the positions of a string in a text list?
How do I get the week ending date for a specific day?
Why does @Explode only give me the first item?
How do you delete Environment variables from the notes.ini file?
How do you prevent people from viewing with a different form and saving the result?
Can you use @UserName in a view?
How do you sum number fields which have not been edited and initialized?
Can you work around some of the size limitations in LotusScript programs?
How do you synchronize fields between documents created with two different forms?
How do you automatically format phone numbers?
How do you select only Response documents in a view?
How do you validate a credit card number?
Can you make a popup calendar in Notes?
How do you get the current access level of a user?
Can you open a view in full screen mode from a Navigator?
How do you generate a subset of list values based on the contents of another list?
How do you keep a running history of all entries in an RTF field?
Can you use @Functions in LotusScript?
Can you use views from the Mail template in your own databases?
How do you compare date/time fields using Lotuscript?
How do you go to the last document in a category using Lotuscript?
Why does my agent fail on the server with a "Error loading USE or USELSX module" error?
How do you create mailing labels in Notes?
What are the Unix syntaxes for calling DLLs from LotusScript?
Can you dynamically select documents per user without using a ReaderNames field?
How do you display documents created with a form using a layout region?
Why doesn't NotesUIDocument.GetFieldText return the alias for a keyword selection?
Why doesn't my "If documents have been created or modified" agent execute immediately?
How do you insert a new line in a Rich Text field using a macro?
How do you set the server to run agents on with a hidden database design?
How do you sort a document collection?
What HelpDesk products are available for Notes?
How do you force a user to use a button to save a form?
Can you start a program in Notes and wait for it to finish?
How do you access a specific element of a multi-value field?
How do you prevent orphan response documents?
How do you find out what Roles a user has in the current database?
How do your control an OLE-VBA object in LotusScript?
How do you add a response's doclink to a parent document?
How do you track who changed a critical field?
How do you find the exact version number of Notes?
Where can I get more information on Java access to Notes?
How do you put a popup calendar in a layout region?
How do you operate on the currently selected documents in LotusScript?
In what order do @Commands execute?
How do you display progress to the user via LotusScript?
How do you convert a numerical value to the equivalent written text?
How do you open a document in edit mode if it exists?
How do I remove erased fields that keep appearing in the Add Fields window?
How do you retrieve a column total for a category?
How do you sort and categorize a view based on months in chronological order?
How do you open a Win32 File Dialog in LotusScript?
Can you dynamically change the color of the form?
Can you open a Navigator using Lotuscript?
How do you do @Explode in LotusScript?
Can you launch a URL without using InterNotes?
How do you get the date for Easter of a given year?
How do you hide the design of a database, but let the user see field names?
Can you access Win32 registry keys in LotusScript?
How do you launch an embedded object using LotusScript?
How do you debug into the QueryModeChange and QuerySave events in LotusScript?
How do I refresh a document's fields after one field is changed?
How do you change the title of a dialog box?
How do you remove an element from a Textlist field?
Is there any way to prevent the user from deleting parent documents with child documents?
How do you avoid error messages with DBLookup?
How do you find the elements which are unique to a list?
Why don't my changes to a Rich Text field show up immediately?
How do signatures and sections in a form work?
What does the @Db NoCache parameter do?
How do you generate unique document numbers?
What happened to Tools\RefreshFields that was in Notes 3.x?
How do you do a data import/merge using Lotuscript?
How do you lock a document that is being edited?
How can I see if the directory exists using LotusScript?
How can you tell if a view is Private?
How do you check if an RTF field is empty?
How do you log off a Notes user so you can force user revalidation?
How do you calculate the week number in a year of a given date?
How do you create response documents from a navigator hotspot?
How do you provide context-sensitive help for your database?
Can you get a filename from the user in Lotuscript?
How do you make a Computed For Display Rich Text Field?
How do you look up all the people in a Group?
How do you make dynamically sized tables?
How do you send mail based on whether a field is modified?
How do you execute DOS commands from a formula?
How do I calculate the number of weekdays between two date fields?
Can I look up Multiple Keywords using @Db functions?
How do you prevent LotusScript errors when handling deletion stubs in document collections?
How do you monitor your own threads in a discussion database?
How do you notify users when documents are modified or added to a database?
How do you force the user to click an Edit action button to edit a document?
How do you copy all parts of a script from one form to another?
Can I lookup Rich Text using @Db functions?
How do you change fields based on the state of a separate keyword field?
How do you keep doc.send() from crashing a background agent?
How do you notify the author of a document when a response has been composed?
How do I make the "loser" of a replication/save conflict be the
How can I control whether the @Db Function returns a list?
What causes the LotusScript error "Notes Error: Special Database object cannot be located."?
How do you return custom data types in LotusScript?
Can you create Shared Actions?
Can you use regular expressions for string matching?
Can you run an Agent from LotusScript?
How do you create Names, Readers, Authors fields in LotusScript?
Can you implement exclusive locking across replicated databases?
How do you do @MailSend in Lotuscript?
Can you dynamically hide/unhide sections of a form?
How do you update a field in response documents after it is changed in the parent document?
How do you refresh RichText fields in a UI document?
How do you convert a time field to display as military time?
Can you stop the refresh view indicator for displaying if you use @Today in a view?
How do you load different LSX/DLLs based on which platform you are on?
How do you check if a document is a deletion stub?
Why do I get an "Object Variable Is Not Set" or "Variant is Not Set" error?
Is there a @Replace equivalent function in LotusScript?
How do you prevent jagged right table edges when merging/splitting cells?
How do you synchronize custom databases with PDAs?
What Are Domino's Field Size Limits?
How do you output a PDF from Notes?
Last Modified: February 1, 2025
Notes/Domino Version