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The Lotus Approach database program has built-in support for Avery labels and can read from a Notes database directly.
Intelliprint from CSS can print labels from Notes views.
NotesToPaper by SoftVision Development.
Ulrich-Krause posted this example of using OLE Automation to create labels in MS Word:
Sub Click(Source As Button) ' This is how you call it from a view (it uses all documents in the view) Call CreateMailingLabels("Subject","Subject","Subject","Subject","Subject") End Sub Sub CreateMailingLabels(Line1Fields As Variant,Line2Fields As Variant,Line3Fields As Variant,Line4Fields As Variant,Line5Fields As Variant) ' requires MS Word 97 or Word 2000 ' works on any Notes view or folder ' supply list of Notes field names to be concatenated onto each line of the ' label in the parameters Line1Fields etc ' ' e.g. ' ' Call CreateMailingLabels_ ' ("FirstName,LastName","HouseNo,Street","Town","County","PostCode") On Error Goto ErrorProc ' declare Notes back-end objects Dim session As New notessession Dim db As notesdatabase Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection Set db = session.currentdatabase Dim settings As NotesDocument Set settings=db.GetProfileDocument("Settings","") ' declare Notes front-end objects Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace Set dc=db.UnProcessedDocuments ' Find out active Notes view Dim view As NotesView Dim UIView As NotesUIView Set view = UIView.View ' declare constants wdCell = 12 'Microsoft Word VBA constant. Designates unit for table cell. wdLine=5 wdCustomLabelA4 = 2 cr = Chr(13) & Chr(10) ' Carriage return. SelectedDocuments=Messagebox("Do you want to use all the addresses in this view?",35,db.Title) If SelectedDocuments=2 Then Messagebox "Merge Cancelled",16,db.Title Exit Sub End If If SelectedDocuments=7 Then TickBased%=True End If ' get required template from user LabelTemplate = Inputbox("Please enter the MS Word mailing label name to use. ", db.Title,"Avery L7413") ' trim off "Avery" prefix if used LabelTemplateName=LabelTemplate If Left$(LabelTemplate,5)="Avery" Then LabelTemplate=Trim$(Right$(LabelTemplate,Len(LabelTemplate)-5)) End If If Instr(LabelTemplate,"-")>1 Then LabelTemplate=Trim$(Left$(LabelTemplate,Instr(LabelTemplate,"-")-1)) End If If LabelTemplate="" Then Messagebox "Merge Cancelled",16,db.Title Exit Sub End If ' Create an instance of Excel Dim wrd As Variant Set wrd = CreateObject("word.application") ' create a new Word document only if required If wrd.documents.count=0 Then Call wrd.documents.add End If ' create new mailing lanels Print "Generating ";LabelTemplateName;" mailing labels in MS Word" On Error Goto TrapTemplateName Call wrd.MailingLabel.CreateNewDocument(LabelTemplate) On Error Goto ErrorProc ' create each mailing label from line of Notes view LabelCount!=0 If TickBased% Then Set doc=dc.GetFirstDocument Else Set doc=view.GetFirstDocument End If While Not doc Is Nothing ' build label text LabelAddress = GetListFieldValues(doc,Line1Fields) & cr LabelAddress = LabelAddress & GetListFieldValues(doc,Line2Fields) & cr LabelAddress = LabelAddress & GetListFieldValues(doc,Line3Fields) & cr LabelAddress = LabelAddress & GetListFieldValues(doc,Line4Fields) & cr LabelAddress = LabelAddress & GetListFieldValues(doc,Line5Fields) If Not SingleColumn% Then Call wrd.Selection.TypeText(LabelAddress) ' Insert full address into Word. On Error Goto TrapSingleColumn Call wrd.Selection.MoveRight(wdCell) ' Move one cell to the right. On Error Goto ErrorProc If SingleColumn% Then Call wrd.MailingLabel.CreateNewDocument(LabelTemplate,LabelAddress) End If Else Call wrd.MailingLabel.CreateNewDocument(LabelTemplate,LabelAddress) End If LabelCount!=LabelCount!+1 If TickBased% Then Set doc = dc.GetNextDocument(doc) Else Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc) End If Wend If TickBased% Then Print LabelCount!;" labels created from selected addresses" Else Print LabelCount!;" labels created from this Notes view (";SheetTitle$;")" End If REM Make the instance visible to the user wrd.visible = True Exit Sub TrapTemplateName: Messagebox "Incorrect Template Name",16,db.Title Exit Sub TrapSingleColumn: Print "Detected non-table labels and changing behaviour accordingly" SingleColumn%=True Resume Next ErrorProc: Print "(";Erl;") ";Error$ Resume Next End Sub Function GetListFieldValues(doc As NotesDocument, FieldList As Variant) As String Dim TempList As String Dim TempOutput As String Dim TempArray As Variant Dim ThisField As String TempList=FieldList TempOutput="" If TempList<>"" Then ' parse list of fields While Len(TempList)>0 If Instr(TempList,",")>0 Then ThisField=Trim(Left$(TempList,Instr(TempList,",")-1)) TempList=Right$(TempList,Len(TempList)-Instr(TempList,",")) Else ThisField=Trim(TempList) TempList="" End If ' retrieve notes field If Instr(ThisField,"(")>0 And Instr(ThisField,")")>0 Then ThisFieldTemp$=Right$(ThisField,Len(ThisField)-Instr(ThisField,"(")) ThisFieldIndex%=Val(Left$(ThisFieldTemp$,Len(ThisFieldTemp$)-1)) ThisField=Left$(ThisField,Instr(ThisField,"(")-1) Else ThisFieldIndex%=-1 End If TempArray=doc.GetItemValue(ThisField) If ThisFieldIndex%>=0 Then If Ubound(TempArray)>=ThisFieldIndex% Then TempOutput=TempOutput+" "+TempArray(ThisFieldIndex%) End If Else TempOutput=TempOutput+" "+TempArray(0) End If Wend End If GetListFieldValues=TempOutput End Function