Notes Platforms
(Solaris) How do you start Notes automatically on bootup in Solaris?
(OS/2) How do you set up a Digiboard under OS/2?
(Mac) How do you change the new mail sound on a Mac?
(Windows NT) How do you set up server proxying through MS Proxy Server?
(OS/2) Which file system should be used for the Notes server?
(Linux) How do you install R5 on Linux?
(Solaris) How do you tune the operating system for running Notes?
Which platform is best for a Notes server?
(Windows NT) How do you get NT to reboot automatically after the Blue Screen Of Death?
(OS/2) How do you generate a core dump for IBM to look at?
(Macintosh) Where can I find info on Mac-specific (not Notes-related) problems?
(AS/400) What is a good entry-level AS/400 system?
(Windows NT) How do you back up the server automatically?
(AIX) How do you get the Notes server to run in the background?
(Windows NT) Why can't Notes clients see my new Notes server running IPX?
(Windows NT) How do you set up NetBIOS?
(Windows NT) How do you change the new mail tune under NT?
(Windows NT) How do you determine the NT Service Pack Level using LotusScript?
(Solaris) How do you set up the modem port for Solaris 2.x?
(Unix) How do you run the Notes server in the background but still be able to control the console?
(Linux) Can you run the Notes Client on Linux?
(OS/2) Can you run the R5 client on OS/2?
(Linux) Why do I have a JVM problem running httpsetup?
(Linux) How do you install and secure Domino on Linux?
(AS/400) What are common useful commands for the AS/400?
(Linux) How do you get LS:DO working on Linux?
(AS/400) How big an AS/400 do I need for Domino?
(Windows) Do I have to install the Notes/Domino Server on Windows Server?
Last Modified: January 1, 2025
Notes/Domino Version