Notes Platforms
(Novell) How many users can be placed on a Netware Notes server?
(OS/2) How do you configure Notes for OS/2 with 64MB?
(OS/2) What is the maximum IPX packet size the OS/2 server can accept?
(OS/2) How do you set up a Digiboard under OS/2?
(Novell) Can other NLMs be run on the same server?
(Mac) How do you change the new mail sound on a Mac?
(Windows NT) How do you set up server proxying through MS Proxy Server?
(OS/2) Which file system should be used for the Notes server?
(Solaris) Does Notes use multiple processors under Solaris?
(Solaris) Which versions of Solaris are supported?
(Solaris) Why does the Lotus SMTP Gateway have problems writing files?
(Solaris) How do you set up a printer under Solaris?
(Novell) Can the Notes be set up so the user only has to log into the network once?
Which platform is best for a Notes server?
(Windows NT) How do you get NT to reboot automatically after the Blue Screen Of Death?
(OS/2) How do you generate a core dump for IBM to look at?
(Windows NT) How do you run the server and client on the same NT machine?
(Macintosh) Where can I find info on Mac-specific (not Notes-related) problems?
(Windows NT) How do I install Notes as an NT Service?
(Windows NT) How do you set up NetBIOS?
(Novell) Is the Netware NLM version of the Notes server stable?
(Novell) Why doesn't Full Text Indexing work?
(Windows 95) Why can't I print to a network printer from Notes?
(Windows NT) How do you back up the server automatically?
(Solaris) How do you set up the modem port for Solaris 2.x?
(OS/2) How many users can be placed on an OS/2 Notes server?
(Unix) How do you run the Notes server in the background but still be able to control the console?
(Windows) Do I have to install the Notes/Domino Server on Windows Server?
Last Modified: February 1, 2025
Notes/Domino Version