This book (written by Richard Ellis and published by Packt Publishing) covers techniques used in Domino 6.5 and up, but unfortunately doesn't point out which versions specific features were added; this would help if you're maintaining older versions of Domino, but doesn't matter if you're running the latest version of Domino because it has always been good about backwards compatibility.
Good best practices are recommended for things like using div tags to replace framesets and aligned fields, how to organize css/styling. There's good overage of making the ugly default Domino web views prettier using CSS and Javascript. Domino techniques for security (hidden fields, controlled access sections, and read/author fileds) are covered well. There's also good coverage of things that can slow down the server so you can avoid them. And there's a good guide to testing/debugging.
There are also some oddities like recommending that you avoid coding java applets, but it's ok to use built-in Domino applets like the action bar. An example of using Ajax calls to call an agent is used but there's no mention of using jQuery or Dojo to make it easier. There's good coverage of Lotuscript agents, but no coverage of Java agents.
Overall, it's a good "best practices" guide, with a lot of mentions of design elements mentioned that you can look up fairly easily, but be prepared to dig at other resources to get the most out of this book. Packt Publishing has PDF/ePub e-book versions of this book if you'd prefer an electronic version.
1. Mr Artis03/14/2012 17:35:34
To be honest ... This book is so conceptually that is actually sad. I would not recommend this book to no one.