I had to complain to CRN about this mysterious "one analyst"
(some folks asked that I post my letter since CRN doesn't put them up on
their web site):
Could you let us know the identity of the analyst you quote in your news
story so we know who not to take advice from?
The Really Simple Syndication (RSS) format and blogging do not equal a
lightweight collaboration framework. Imagine everyone being a pundit
on some topic, requiring people to subscribe to the blathering and then
replying - but you can only see the reply if you continually look at the
blogs (manually or via RSS).
What RSS and blogging do is let everyone publish articles for the world
to see; there are much more effective techniques for internal use at companies.
The same can be said for wikis, a way to let everyone publicaly help
collaborate on a document. If you want to work on a document together
inside a company, there are more effective tools that also inclue little
things that are important to companies: security, rich text editing, etc.
If the analyst you quote or anyone else really wants to do this in Notes,
visit www.openntf.org
and download free Domino templates for blogs and wikis.
If your analyst really understood Notes, he or she would have known Notes
has features that are more effective than blogs, wikis and RSS.
And said analyst doesn't explain what is wrong w/ all the other Wiki/Blog
applications that are available as open source for lots of platforms like
PHP, J2EE, etc. And I suppose he's never heard of NNTP newsgroups?
Or PHPNukes (and the JBoss rewrite of it)?
Well, that's my blathering for today.
I've got some interesting stuff coming up w/ my experience porting AppFuse
to Websphere in the next few blogs...
1. Bob Balaban02/14/2005 04:43:48
Homepage: http://www.looseleaf.net
What the heck is "lightweight collaboration", anyway?? Could mean "cheap", as you suggest, could mean almost anything ("lightweight" being the stupid, mandatory word of choice to make things sound "good", like "thin client" used to be).
IM is kind of lightweight. So is most email, if you're talking about collaborative functionality. Do people really want "lightweight"? This could be why nobody quotes me...
2. Jack Dausman02/11/2005 18:15:18
Homepage: http://LeadershipByNumbers.com
Yep, it was a weak statement, but especially for someone being anonymous. I wrote Barbara as well, and pointed to the huge number of Domino blogs (almost all with RSS), the open source friendly structure of Domino and, like you, the recognition that IBM gives OpenNTF.org.
Gotta' keep these journalists honest.