1. Ken Yee03/16/2006 15:11:31
Homepage: http://www.keysolutions.com/blogs/kenyee.nsf
Kat: you can actually get an MDA IV (a.k.a. JasJar) in the US, but not from T-Mobile...here's a Froogle search: http://froogle.google.com/froogle?hl=en&q=jasjar&btnG=Google+Search&sa=N&tab=wf
T-Mobile does have some less expensive WM5 phones now: the SDA and MDA, though not as full featured as the MDA IV. I read that T-Mobile tries to keep their phone prices under $500 so I doubt they'll carry the MDA IV unless it comes down from it's current $950 price point.
Steve: I have a friend in Canada who has a Sidekick II w/ the GPRS plan (lets you do IM and web browsing); it indeed is a nifty device, albeit a bit plasticky. I'm surprised it hasn't caught on more. What the MDA gives you is the ability to run a bunch of apps your SKII will never do: car navigation, remote desktop and VNC to your computer, Skype if you're near an open wifi access point, movies on your phone, Ogg/MP3 music, etc. I have a Symbian phone currently and it does most of these things except for the wifi part and it opens people's eyes when I show them what it can do...
2. Kat03/16/2006 02:53:32
I've been waiting over a year for the MDA IV. I've emailed Tmobile several times about getting it in the USA and have not received a single response. It is quite frustrating to say the least.
3. Steve03/04/2006 17:43:10
I have a side II and I'm posting this comment on it. The sidekick II is good for messaging and that's pretty much it. So your saying I have to save up a thousand dollers for my dream phone..... Why
4. Ken Yee12/13/2005 20:22:35
Yes, you can use the MDA IV in the US, but you'll need a service provider that has the right GSM frequencies (e.g., you can't use Cingular's 850MHz GSM network); this means T-Mobile and some parts of the Cingular network. You can get it at Comp-U-Plus (http://www.compuplus.com/i-I-Mate-JASJAR-Quadband-Unlocked-Bluetooth-PDA-Smartphone-1005320~refer-froogle.html) for around $1K (yeah, bloody expensive)
5. giggs ryan12/13/2005 19:10:17
can i actually use the tmobile mda iv in the united states and if yes do you have an idea of the price in dollars