1. Declan Lynch01/30/2005 12:26:54
Homepage: http://www.qtzar.com
The bug you mention is something you will find in any IE generated page that uses CSS to create blocks. If you don't define a height for the block in the CSS then you get that weird display issue. It's not a template issue.
Ken, welcome to the Blogosphere. I look forward to reading your entries.
2. Bruce Elgort01/29/2005 21:30:38
Homepage: http://www.bruceelgort.com
Welcome to the blogosphere!
Bruce Elgort
3. Rock01/29/2005 15:23:23
Homepage: http://www.LotusGeek.com
Welcome to the blogosphere, Ken! The Blogsphere team has made significant strides in making the latest versions of Blogsphere faster. Also, Ben - I just avoid the IE issues by using FireFox, and quite frankly I am not worried about the IE issue because I have noticed it in other sites as well in IE, so I figure the IE users are used to it.
Not to mention I am really, really pushing everyone to move to Firefox. It is time...
4. Ben Rose01/28/2005 14:12:27
Homepage: http://blog.jaffacake.net
Very interesting comments. I never considered performance, clearly my hardware is just too quick to notice. I certainly have never noticed a significant different in page load times between different bloggers. It's more bandwidth dependent that anything.
I actually started my Blog on blogsphere and then moved it over to Dominoblog, purely because of a nasty bug I couldn't workaround.
Using the IE browser, which a massive majority of users still do, I get continual txt display issue on blogsphere sites especially in the comments area. Highlighting the txt makes it visible but until then it looks like a blank or incomplete comment.
I understand it's an IE specific bug, something I didn't want my readers to suffer