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Notes R4 Database Samples

The Lotus samples that come with Version 4 don't use the features in Version 4 enough. However, there are several places you can get more samples from:

* ComputerWorks has fully functional (limited record input) demo versions of most of
their applications on their web page.
* New Information Paradigms has placed a demo application named "Millenia" which they wrote with Lotus UK for demonstrating Notes 4 apps design and Notes 4 & IWP at seminars. It is on their web site here.
* [email] Sid Bagali of Parametric has placed a System Inventory example that he put together while learning about Notes V4 features here.
* AppJunction Discussion is a Domino-enabled discussion database.

Applies to Notes Versions: 4
Last Modified: August 31, 1999