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How do you set up a database to provide a menu when it is opened?

Create your default view with a selection formula: Form = Menu. Sort it by a hidden field called Sequence. Make one visible field with the formula: MenuText. Assign a large bold font in a pretty color to that column.
Create a form called Menu, and design it to have two fields: Sequence (numeric) and MenuText (text). Hide all these fields when reading. Add a rich text field that is not hidden. In the Form Attributes dialog, be sure to specify that this form is not to be displayed on the Compose menu.
Create a macro that allows you (or other database designers) to compose Menu docs. Compose Menu docs that give your users the following default view:
Welcome to NiftyApp! This is the Main Menu.

Double-click on your selection:

Compose Nifty Doc

View Nifty Things

etc. Compose some Menu docs with blank MenuText fields to space things nicely. In the rich text fields of the Menu docs, put in text that describes available choices, such as Push here to compose a Nifty Widget, and buttons with formulas that execute that action. You can hide all forms and views from Notes menus, leaving the only available choice on the View menu Nifty App Main Menu.

Applies to Notes Versions: 3
Last Modified: April 17, 1996