This will result in a rolling list of the most recent five modifications. You have to add 3 fields at the bottom of a page make sure they're all multivalue.
Computed Field called "fdEhRev" to count Number of Revisions; Formula:
@V2If(@IsDocBeingSaved; @V2If(fdEhRev = ""; 0; (@Subset(fdEhRev; 1) + 1) : @V2If(@Elements(fdEhRev) > 4; @Subset(fdEhRev; 4); fdEhRev)); @IsNewDoc; ""; fdEhRev)
Computed Field called "fdEhEditor" to list last editor's name; Formula:
@V2If(@IsDocBeingSaved; @V2If(fdEhEditor = ""; @UserName; @UserName : @V2If(@Elements(fdEhEditor) > 4; @Subset(fdEhEditor; 4); fdEhEditor)); @IsNewDoc; ""; fdEhEditor)
Computed Field called "fdEhDate" to list date edited; Formula:
@V2If(@IsDocBeingSaved; @V2If(fdEhDate = ""; @Now; @Now : @V2If(@Elements(fdEhDate) > 4; @Subset(fdEhDate; 4); fdEhDate)); @IsNewDoc; ""; fdEhDate)