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Quoted replies let you precede each line of the mail you are replying to with a ">"; it is a standard way of indicating what you are replying to when replying to Internet mail (similiar to how people use color to indicate their replies in Notes). Here is a button you can add to the forms of the standard mail templates. Add an Action Button called "Quoted Reply" to the following forms: Memo, Reply, Reply with History. This button is hidden when: Previewed for reading, Previewed for editing, Opened for editing. The limitation is that it can only quote up to around 15K worth of text because of LotusScript's limitation with GetFormattedText.
Put the following script in the Click action:
Sub Click(Source As Button) Dim uiws As New NotesUIWorkspace Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim uidocReply As NotesUIDocument Dim rtitemBody As Variant Dim sBodyOriginal$ Dim sBodyConverted$ Dim vntMailDbFile,vntMailDbServer Set uidoc=uiws.CurrentDocument Set doc = uidoc.Document Set rtitemBody=doc.GetFirstItem("Body") sBodyOriginal=rtitemBody.GetFormattedText(False,0) vntMailDbServer=Evaluate("@Subset(@MailDbName;1)") vntMailDbFile=Evaluate("@Subset(@MailDbName;-1)") Set uidocReply=uiws.ComposeDocument(Cstr(vntMailDbServer(0)),Cstr(vntMailDbFile(0)), "Reply") sBodyConverted=ManipulateReplyText(uidoc, sBodyOriginal) Call uidocReply.FieldSetText("Body", sBodyConverted) End Sub Function ManipulateReplyText (Source As NotesUIDocument, body As String) 'Adding > to the begining of each line of the "History text" and 'Aligning the text Left (wrapping) Print "Formatting ""History"" text" Dim bd As Variant Dim note As NotesDocument Dim Header As NotesItem Dim dateItem As NotesItem Dim InFrom As NotesName Dim GetInternetFullName$, HeaderString$, pos%, tmpString$, pos1%, dont%,tmp$ Dim y%, x%, b%, xx%, xb Set note=Source.Document 'dividing the text to lines and addding the > sign If note.hasitem("$AdditionalHeaders") Then 'starting here: inbound messages seem to have $AdditionalHeaders Set Header=note.GetFirstItem("$AdditionalHeaders") If Header.values(0) = "" Then 'GetInternetFullName=note.InheritedFrom(0) GetInternetFullName=note.From(0) Goto Continue End If Else If Not note.HasItem("tmpAdditionalHeaders") Or note.tmpAdditionalHeaders(0)="" Then 'GetInternetFullName=note.InheritedFrom(0) GetInternetFullName=note.From(0) Goto continue End If Set Header=note.Getfirstitem("tmpAdditionalHeaders") End If HeaderString=Header.values(0) pos=Instr(HeaderString,"From: ") tmpString=Mid(HeaderString,pos+6) pos1=Instr(tmpString,"<") If pos1=0 Then 'The full name will appear in (...) pos1=Instr(tmpString,"(") tmpString=Mid(tmpString,pos1+1) pos1=Instr(tmpString,")") GetInternetFullName=Mid(tmpString,1,pos1-1) dont=True Goto Continue End If tmpString = Mid(tmpString,1,pos1-1) pos=Instr(tmpString,|"|) If pos<>0 Then tmpString=Mid(tmpString,pos+1) pos=Instr(tmpString,|"|) GetInternetFullName=Mid(tmpString,1,pos-1) Else GetInternetFullName=tmpString End If Continue: Set InFrom=New NotesName(GetInternetFullName) ' and starting here: I found that inbound messages had a PostedDate item, Not tmpSentOn If note.HasItem("tmpSentOn") Then postDate = note.tmpSentOn(0) Else Set dateItem = note.GetFirstItem("PostedDate") postDate = dateItem.Text End If tmp="On " & postDate & note.tmpSentOn(0) & " " & InFrom.Common & " wrote:" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & ">" y=1 b=1 For x=1 To Len(body) xx=Asc(Mid(body,x,1)) If x<>Len(body) Then xb=Asc(Mid(body,x+1,1)) 'Now that we know the current and the next characters we can consider whether they will cause a line feed, so we can insert our ">". If xx=10 Or xx=13 Or xx=11 Or xx=12 Then 'if this combination occurs then we skip the next one so we don't LF twice. If xx=10 And xb=13 Or xx=13 And xb=10 Then x=x+1 tmp=tmp & Chr (xx) & Chr (xb) & ">" Else tmp=tmp & Chr(xx) & ">" End If b=1 Else tmp=tmp & Mid(body,x,1) b=b+1 End If Next ManipulateReplyText=tmp End Function