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How do you always show the preview pane in a user's mail database?

This has probably been one of the most requested R5 features that never made it in. Some users (mostly Outlook users) are used to having a preview pane always open when viewing mail. The R5 mail template does not have this feature. However, you can add it by adding a profile form and a few actions to your ($Inbox) folder in the mail template.

First, create a profile form named "Custom Configuration". Add a text field named "PreviewPaneDefault".

Now modify the ($Inbox) folder by adding a few actions.

Action "Tools\Set Preview Pane Off":

  @SetProfileField("Custom Configuration"; "PreviewPaneDefault";  @False;@UserName);
    @Command( [ShowHidePreviewPane] ; @False );

For the hide-when on this action, use this formula:
  showOrHide := @GetProfileField("Custom Configuration"; "PreviewPaneDefault"; @UserName);
  @If(@IsError(showOrHide) | showOrHide = 1;

Action "Tools\Set Preview Pane On":

  @SetProfileField("Custom Configuration";"PreviewPaneDefault";@True;@UserName);
    @Command( [ShowHidePreviewPane] ; @True );

For the hide-when on this action, use this formula:
  showOrHide := @GetProfileField("Custom Configuration"; "PreviewPaneDefault"; @UserName);
  @If(showOrHide = 1;

Finally, modify the PostOpen event for the ($Inbox) folder by using this formula to activate the preview pane depending on how the user specifies his/her preference:

  showOrHide := @GetProfileField("Custom Configuration"; "PreviewPaneDefault"; @UserName);
  @Command( [ShowHidePreviewPane] 

Applies to Notes Versions: 5
Last Modified: June 27, 2002