For views, it's easy. Views are executed by the server so everything comes from the server, including @username and other functions that trip people up. For other date and time fields though, it is very confusing. Here is a breakdown on date calculations elsewhere:
"Date Field Types" are mainly responsible for where the date will be generated.
1. When the Date fields are Editable: @Created: 11/02/93 02:25:02 AM
@Now: 11/02/94 02:29:57 PM
@Today: 11/02/94
@Modified: 11/02/93 02:29:50 AM
@Accessed 11/02/93 02:29:50 AM
a) @Created, @Modified, @Accessed come from the server.
b) @Now, @Today, @Yesterday, @Tomorrow come from the workstation.
c) First time @Modified date comes from the workstation.
2. When the Date fields are Computed: @Created: 11/02/93 02:27:46 AM
@Now: 11/02/94 02:29:48 PM
@Today: 11/02/94
@Modified: 11/02/93 02:30:13 AM
@Accessed 11/02/93 02:28:43 AM
a) @Created, @Modifies, @Accessed come from the server.
b) @Now, @Today, @Yesterday, @Tomorrrow come from the workstation.
c) First time @Modified date comes from the workstation.
3. When the Date fields are Computed for display:@Created: 11/02/93
02:33:16 AM
@Now: 11/02/94 02:38:36 PM
@Today: 11/02/94
@Modified: 11/02/93 02:35:07 AM
@Accessed 11/02/93 02:35:07 AM
a) @Created, @Modified, @Accessed come from the server.
b) @Now, @Today, @Yesterday, @Tomorrow come from the workstation.
c) First time @Modified date comes from the workstation.
4. When the Date fields are Computed when composed: @Created:
11/02/93 02:35:38 AM
@Now: 11/02/94 02:34:13 PM
@Today: 11/02/94
@Modified: 11/02/94 02:34:13 PM
a) @Created comes from the server.
b) @Now, @Today, @Yesterday, @Tomorrow and @Modified come from
the desktop.
c) @Accessed does not display.